NC ACDIS Registration Policy
1. The North Carolina Chapter of ACDIS welcomes all Clinical Documentation Improvement and other healthcare professionals interested in becoming a member. Our mission is to support improvement and professional growth through networking, educational programs, and program recognition.
2. Membership drive for NC ACDIS is from April 1st thru May 31st. The membership invitation will include a link to register and pay online via Storefront. We welcome the sharing of the membership drive by our members with others who may be interested in joining our association.
3. Invitations and announcements of upcoming conferences will be emailed out to both members of the Chapter no less than 30 days before the meeting. We welcome the sharing of the invitation by our members to others who may be interested in attending our conferences.
4. The upcoming conference invitation will include a link to register and pay online via Storefront. Registrations are accepted and confirmed once payment is received.
5. During registration, the officers frequently monitor the records; however, if the enrollment exceeds the allotted space for the venue. The persons who have registered and paid at the time will be placed on a waiting list and if unable to attend due to space limitations; then the registration fee will be refunded.